“How would you like to be the most innovative in your field?”

Business Blueprints is an International Marketing Consultancy, specialising in providing services to Shopping Centre and Hospitality companies.

Since 1986, we have been in the vanguard of innovators for some of the best-known European developers and restaurant chains with the aim of providing novel and exciting initiatives, which deliver sustainable competitive advantage.

Together with our Associates, we are able to provide a comprehensive programme of sophisticated solutions which draw on our unparallelled expertise.


FIRST 2000 model for cutting labour costs- TiPi

FIRST Retail Academies in the UK and Germany.

FIRST electronic shopper count system in the UK.

FIRST branded Food Court in the UK.

FIRST Key Performance Indicator Benchmark for shopping centres in the UK.

FIRST Mystery Diner programme in the UK.

FIRST successful Food Court in Ireland.

FIRST German mall to have over 25% of space given to leisure.

…and much more.